Last night I got to catch the Jacked Crew going around Oz at the moment, the two dutchies and the yank.... (We Cant Be Stopped). Saw them at family in Brisbane, which is a weapon of a club. Highly suggest a checkout, if in the area. Sound, lights and setup was massive.... Hardwell played a very commercial set which I was not expecting, however it seemed to be his role. He definately was not what I was expecting, he reminded me of LBL. The main event was afrojack, he started with Pon da Floor and pretty much played his stuff, including his ghettoblaster. He is a massive man, but turns out to be more than I expected. His Djing is all on the fly, just dropping bombs all over and probably was the most excited man in the place, really liked his mixing. Very much like his radio 1 mix, except more cut up.... he also played the nicest Guetta Memories bootleg or remix, keep an eye out. Familiar faces included Tom Piper and Bobby Burns.
Wolfgang Gartner plays so hard its not funny. He started with his 5th Symph.... but the crowd thinned as he went on.
I will leave you with afrojacks Ghettoblaster....
Afrojack, Bobby Burns-Ghettoblaster - Original Mix
yes was an absolutely crazy night!
i recorded most of the night, cracked a nut - especially when afrojack dropped his new bomb "Bangduck"
Afrojack - Bangduck Live!
Youtube - MOS Jacked Live Vids!
Did you record audio or video Redtruth?
recorded vids, the links are there for youtube :)
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