Sébastien Tellier is one of France's favourite provocateurs of sex. His music. His videos. His pictures. His style. His clothes. This bearded biblical like figure IS sex. His most recent album, Sexuality, has been compared to Daft Punks softer material and has the well know sexy 'french syth' sound in there. His music is pretty special. Some of the production is amazing and takes you on little rythmic journeys.
American Apparel have always been a large supporter of this talented sex god, selling his album instore around the world. I first saw it in Berlin! (and not only in CD format but offering the full 12" EP on vinyl). Very recently, they decided to take this a step further and have released a limited edition unisex tee with quite a sexy stencil on the front sporting the sunglass wearing frog himself. And wait it gets better, with every purchase of the tee you cop a FREE copy of the album Sexuality.

This track isn't new. Infact its some of Tellier's first work which got him recognised. It was a single released called Sexual Sportswear. It seemed fitting for the post. The first is the original an eight minute syth journey, no vocals here. The second is SebestiAn (the other one, you know, the Ed Banger one) remix. This is a shorter harder version where SebastiAn has chopped up the orginal superbly and boosted it with some harder kicks and the odd bleeping noise which he loves so much. Both different and great tunes.
Sexual Sportswear - Sébastien Tellier
Sexual Sportswear (SebastiAn Remix) - Sébastien Tellier
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