Proxy is from the cold, which may be the reason why he produces such high heated tracks. He falls under the Montreal based Turbo Recordings, established by Tiga.
Before electro/tech house, Proxy produced Russian hip/hop, which was before he got picked up by Turbo. But aren't we are all glad he changed his ways?
Everyone knows about Proxy with Decoy, Destroy, Dance in the Dark, 40 Seconds and more recently Raven which gets dropped like hot potatoes.
However a new year has come about and will this year be the year of Proxy? His myspace says his doing studio work at the moment. He is creating a buzz through the forums and blogging world, all looped in with radio BBC throwing down samples of what Proxy is hiding.
Tiga - What You Need (Proxy Remix) - when he played Melbourne(Baked not fried)
Proxy- Who Are You? (on "In new djs we trust" mix, sounds absolutely insane)// Turbo
Proxy- Indian Film
Download here is a rough sample
Proxy- Think First opening Kissy Sellout's Dec 19th mix // Turbo
Proxy- Prodigy remix
Proxy - Cooper// Turbo
Proxy - Quad Damage (Heavy Metal Edit)
The Proxy - Predator
Download here very very rough sample
Tiga-what you need(proxy remix)is insane, one fan said he would punch a baby in the head to have it. Some are already signed by Turbo which is an indicator to the 2009 Album.
For fun and games:
Speedyshare: Raven - Proxy
P.s. Keep an eye out for the Crookers remix of this beast, coming shortly...
Now, get your Rave On and Proxy Bitches!
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