One of the highlights of last year’s Parklife was XXXChange – a quarter of the omnipresent Spank Rock. Alex ‘XXXChange’ Epton has his fingers in multiple musical pies, yet it is his solo releases that have garnered him much publicity in the last couple of years. He embraces an incredibly diverse palette across his remixes, and as a result can be a little hit and miss for my liking. A relative newy of his is a Virgins remix – certainly dancefloor friendly, but not quite my cup o’ tea (do people still say that?).
Rich Girls (XXXChange Remix) - The Virgins
But Will, I hear you ask, does this XXXChange character have any gold up his sleeve? Abso-bloody-exactly he does. So let’s get down to it: my real reason for bringing him up is so I can remind you all how brilliant his Thom Yorke remix is. And there’s a bit of the artist formerly known as Santogold (now Santigold) below for you all.
The Eraser (XXXChange Remix) - Thom Yorke
L.E.S. Artistes (XXXChange Remix) - Santogold
And hey, who was it that said blogs have to be cohesive? He was probably a dirty commy anyway. Here’s a little home grown gem I dug up in my iTunes – a bit of Juggernauts/Bag Raiders love. 2:46 anyone? Hmm? Yeah? No one?
I’m so lonely.
Twenty Thousand Leagues (Bag Raiders Mix) - Midnight Juggernauts
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