So with a few of the big pioneer figure head Djs suggesting the Mk4 is around the corner. It becomes a very exciting time. Pioneer are the kings of holding stuff back. No pictures, no specs no nothing, only big Djs commenting that it exists or is going to exist.
The above picture is what you would expect, since everyone would love the luxury of carry around USB s rather than Cd folders. I have read that its got full USB capability, wi-fi and the lot.
On the other hand Tommy Trash with one of his newer remixes. It brings back his hard and lots of bass element, its what you would expect if you saw him play. Play this on a loud system and wow.
Lady Sovereign-I Got U Dancing (Tommy Trash Remix).mp3
After Ducksauces aNyway making the rounds before its release a few were inspired by the sound and decided to go down that path. Here is SoniC s bootleg remix of Kool and Gang s fresh, very housey and smooth.
Kool and Gang-Fresh(SonicC Bootleg Remix).mp3
Ok, Wolfgang continues to amaze me with pulling out madder and madder tunes. If Wolfgang's 5th Symphony and Justices Synths had a baby, Firepower would its name. Very insane track, very hard but here is a preview for you to make up your mind.
Wolfgang Gartner-Firepower.mp3
One for the kids.
East & Young-Reveal the UFO(Arta Bootleg).mp3
Can you see the bright light, shining? Shining? I don't know
Bright light when your off your face but a UFO when sober
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