Phone, iPod, Internet and more.The iPhone 3G is truley amazing. With fast 3G wireless technology, GPS mapping, support for enterprise features like Microsoft Exchange and the new App Store, iPhone 3G puts even more features at your fingertips. And like the original iPhone, it combines three products in one — a revolutionary phone, a widescreen iPod and a breakthrough Internet device with rich HTML email and a desktop-class web browser.
First thing I think of when someone shows me an iphone is 'fuckin hell get over it' stop following everyone else.
However it has been around for a while now, and recently I actually sat down and had a play. The one thing that turned my perception was the applications that you can get. Anything from road cameras in the city, spirit meters if your bricklaying, a simple shake of the phone will trigger the 'spoon' application to find a resturant.
I am slowly bringing myself towards it. Currently I have a blackberry bold that syncs with my work PC. At home I have an imac, which can sync with my blackberry. The only thing I am hating is the touch screen on the iphone, very very fiddley. Keep in mind I have only played with it for an hour. But I need that touch feeling when I type. Why dont computer s have touch screen keyboards, I know they do, but it s rare.
Couple of days ago I was reading up Computer Music and they had a piece on iPhone applications. One very cool thing was an application the iPhone and iPod Touch have With their fair share of cool audio apps (including the unfinished but amazing Jasuto) and there are more on the way including FiRe from Audio Engineering, the brains behind Wave Editor. This hard disk recording app includes accurate real-time waveform information and the ability to upload audio to SoundCloud automatically.
Jasuto is the first truly modular synthesizer for the iPhone and is basically the 2nd coming of my previous modular synth experiment known as Mode. Its a fun application where you can simply just play around with the synth or actually try and be constructive. Check out this site.
Jasuto homepage
Not to be out done, legendary trance-meister Paul van Dyk is going to release his own app which acts as a frequency analyser, level meter and a glowstick amongst other functions. Check out the evidence in this incredible video....
Check it out below:
Thats what I have got, but I wish it had some applications like the iphone.
I got a iphone today. Pretty geed up
iphones are the sickest. aps are so good for trips and stuff
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