Phoenix is great (which I suppose renders my title a bit arbitrary) and the first few singles off Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix are all fantastic and, sure enough, are doing the remix rounds, giving the band some serious blogosphere presence. Man the word blogosphere is gayosphere.
Lisztomania, continuing their fondness for classical composer wordplays, is a perfect framework for some solid remix work, and Alex Metric, Yuksek and Classixx have stepped up to the plate. First up is Metric’s, which is far and away the pick of the litter, in my opinion. And my opinion is gospel, so fucking listen, and fucking enjoy.
Lisztomania (Alex Metric Remix) - Phoenix
Yuksek has his little formula, and it works well on just about anything, this song included. Classixx have the same, giving a nice spacey feel, with some slick synth work. Appréciez bitches.
Lisztomania (Yuksek Remix) - Phoenix
Lisztomania (Classixx Remix) - Phoenix
Here's the real legit Liszt. Takin' names.
Tarantella - Franz Liszt
(P.S. Is it alright to be jealous of Calvin Harris?)
The Reeling (Calvin Harris Remix) - Passion Pit
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